/ Today I Learned Customer Lifetime Value (SaaS) / touchmarine / September 2, 2021 / #TIL #LTV #CustomerLifetimeValue #SaaS #CAC #CostToAcquireACustomer / www.touchlabs.io/blog/til-about-customer-lifetime-value-saas = Today I Learned About Customer Lifetime Value (SaaS) .time September 2, 2021 == Customer Lifetime Value Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) is a term used in SaaS that tells us how much a customer is worth. We use it to determine if acquiring a new customer pays off and to focus on long-term value. ? Customer Lifetime Value (LTV, CLTV) : How much a customer will spend on your service overall. == Customer Acquisition Cost [[Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)]]((#cac)) tells us how much it costs us to get a new customer. We need a low CAC and a high LTV. * We should aim for LTV at least three times higher than CAC. ! id="cac" ? Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) : Cost to acquire a customer. == How to Calculate LTV _ The gist of calculating Customer Lifetime Value Calculate LTV by dividing [[Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)]]((#arpu)) with [[churn rate]]((#churn-rate)). * This formula is simplified. Use analytics tools to accurately track LTV and * other metrics. ! id="arpu" ? Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) : Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) divided by total users ! id="churn-rate" ? Churn Rate : Rate of cancellations and missed renewals --- You can see [[this page's source written in Touch]]((/blog/til-about-customer-lifetime-value-saas.to)) and the [[config used]]((/to.extjson)).